
I believe domain names will be utilized in the next 5-10 years in the following ways:


Domain names will be extensively used as digital wallet addresses, posted on company websites for receiving payments, and for online tipping without platform intermediaries.


Domain names will see widespread use in personal spaces. Content creators will only need to publish once on their own domains, eliminating the need for redundant postings across multiple platforms like X, YouTube, and Facebook. Content moderation will also evolve.


In the Web1 era, users were "information receivers"; in Web2, they became "information publishers"; and in the upcoming Web3 era, users will be "information distributors." Decentralization will lead to a significant surge in the demand for domain names.


Domain names will serve not only as symbols of corporate brands but also as symbols of personal brands, independent of any centralized platform. Just like a mobile phone number,everyone will have at least one domain name.


The domain name will be used to link numerous electronic devices. With the rise of the Internet of Things, each person's electronic products will increase from dozens to thousands, and domain names will be used for various electronic devices or machine pets. For instance, you can access a website for your shoes, retrieving the routes they've taken over the past week, or even view a blog from a girl you randomly met one day.

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